Monday, February 25, 2008

Online Programming Contest for Students

...If you're programming geek or good at mathematics with some programming skills. And if you love problem solving, then here are couple of sites to prove your skills and run away with some bucks. Most contests would be similar to Top Coders, ACM, etc. Btw, this contest is not only for pros but for newbies who wish to learn some programming.

Organisation are from India but these contests are open to international students too.

General Rules(Please see each site for specific rules):
1) You must be a student
2) You can also participate as a team
3) You gotta register to participate


Organisation: IIT-Delhi - Click here
Date: Still Undecided( Check back often to get the updates)

Organisation: IIT- Kanpur -Click here
Date:9th Feb 2008

Organisation: IIIT-H - Click here
Date: 4th Feb 2008

Organisation: BITS-Pilani - Click here
Date: Check the website

Organisation: NIT-Trichy - Click here
Date: Yet to be Updated

Organisation: PSG-Coimbatore - Click here
Date:Yet to be updated

Apart from these events, we also have many more online events like Online Hacking Challenges, Online Math Modelling,Algorithm Contests, etc. You can check thro' the sites to know about each event.

Good Luck!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Addicted to google :D

...A few months back, As a developer, I was more int'd in C,C++ et al.. and the only utility I was using in Google is their most popular search engine. Of Late, I've been trying a new apps of Google.


Google Docs is the first appln I tried. Fed up with those offline conventional office suites, I tried Google Docs. Though and many other office suites were available, I was keen to get onto Google Docs( Maabbe, it's just the reputation of it had done me in). First feature I liked the most is the revisions available that makes us to see the original documents before each and every editing done on that particulat document.

Rate:4 stars out of 5


Google Notepad is one of the appln I'm unimpressed. It may be the fact that there ain't any special feature possibly added in notepads.

Rate : 2 stars out of 5


Google Reader is my best choice of the lot. I really like blogging though I post once or twice in a week. Before using GReader, I either visit each site or subscribe via email. It's even a hard task to manage those feeds in your email. Still a lot of feed gatherer or Aggregator where available or provided with many linux distros, I really don't like to use'em. Most important reason must be that browsers are the only thing,I use the most in my PC. So, My frd invited me to Greader. Within a days time, I was good at using it like most pro would do.

Rate : 5 stars out of 5


iGoogle is my latest ( though it was around for quite sometime).Classic google home was my homepage for years but things change often. I was trying to use google to make things easy for me. With all those easily available gadgets around, life can never be as comfortable as this. I changed my entire homepage to one from where I can do everything needed,without even moving to other pages.

Recently, iGoogle announced the theme APIs. Until then, I was unaware that I can change my themes for my google page. It was fun to add a theme and see how it looks. With iGoogle theme API, I even tried to create a theme for myself to share with my frds.Here is the link, where you must start "iGoogle Themes".

Rate: 5 stars out of 5

Note:To Develop a theme, all you require is some basic web programming knowledge and most importantly, creativity and imagination. Happy Hacking!!!


PS: All contents in this page was my views over Google and its related applns. If you have other thoughts, Please publish your own post instead of protesting :D